Easy Build System - Modular Building System – Unity Asset Store

Easy Build System – Modular Building System – Unity Asset Store

Easy Build System – Modular Building System – Unity Asset Store is a user-friendly modular building system. This system is made to be clear and easy for all developers, whether you’re beginners or practiced. It’s a great solution if you want to add advanced building features easily to your projects.

⭐ Free Updates : Continuous updates since 2015 at absolutely no extra cost. Benefit from the latest features and enhancements without any additional charges, ensuring you always have access to the most up-to-date version.

🚀 Quick Start : Set up this system in your project with just a few clicks. It’s designed to quickly get you started, simplifying the process of adding different building features to any scene.

🛠️ Custom Editors : Enhance your workflow and save time with practical and intuitive tools designed to simplify adding new building components like creating new buildings and sockets.

📦 Demos & Add-ons : Comes with a lot demo scenes and add-ons to showcase the system’s features and its flexibility across different project types.

🗺️ NavMesh Compatibility : Simplify navigation around buildings and obstacles in scenes using Unity’s built-in NavMesh system or the new AI Navigation package.

🎮 Cross-Platform Support : Supports Legacy, the new Unity Input System, and Rewired, ensuring compatibility across various platforms including Standalone, Android & iOS, WebGL, Consoles, and VR & AR/XR environments.

🖥️ Render Pipelines : Compatible with all Unity render pipelines, including Built-in, Universal, and High Definition.

⚙️ API : Comes with complete source code following C# coding conventions, making it easily extendable, offering you many ways to customize it for the developers.

Integrations Of Easy Build System – Modular Building System – Unity Asset Store

• (NEW) Game Creator 2 Inventory

• Game Creator 2

• Rewired

• PlayMaker

• Game Kit Controller

• RPG Builder

• Photon Network V2

• Fish-Net

• Mirror

• uSurvival

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