How To Use Git For Unity3D Source Control?

It’s essential to know How to use Git for Unity3D source control for managing collaboration, versioning, and backups effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting started with Git for Unity3D:

1. Set Up Git

If you haven’t already, install Git on your machine:

  • Windows: Download and install Git from
  • Mac: Install Git using Homebrew (brew install git) or download from
  • Linux: Use your package manager (sudo apt-get install git, sudo yum install git, etc.) or download from

2. Create a Unity Project

Start or open your Unity project.

3. Initialize Git Repository

Open a terminal or Git Bash and navigate to your Unity project directory:

Use Git For Unity3D

Initialize a new Git repository:

Git For Unity3D

4. Set Up .gitignore

Create or modify a .gitignore file specific to Unity projects to avoid committing unnecessary files. Unity provides a useful .gitignore template:

unity git

This .gitignore file includes rules to ignore temporary files, build artifacts, and other Unity-specific files that shouldn’t be versioned.

5. Add and Commit Files

Add all files in your Unity project to Git (except those ignored by .gitignore):

Commit the files to the repository:

unity version control vs github

6. Remote Repository (Optional)

If you want to back up your project remotely or collaborate with others:

  • Create a repository on a Git hosting service (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).
  • Follow their instructions to add your local repository as a remote and push your commits.

For example, to add GitHub as a remote and push your repository:

unity git setup

7. Working with Unity and Git

  • Unity Scene and Prefab files: Unity’s scenes and prefab files are stored in a serialized format. This format can sometimes lead to merge conflicts. To minimize conflicts:
    • Communicate with your team to avoid editing the same scene or prefab simultaneously.
    • Use scene management techniques (e.g., scene partitioning) to reduce the scope of changes.
  • Git LFS (Large File Storage): If your project includes large binary files (textures, models, etc.), consider using Git LFS to manage them efficiently and avoid bloating your Git repository.

8. Branching and Merging

  • Branches: Use branches for feature development, bug fixes, or experimentation.

unity gitignore

  • Merging: Merge branches back into master when features are complete and tested.

github unity gitignore

9. Collaboration

  • Pulling Changes: Before starting work, pull changes from the remote repository to sync with the latest updates.

unity git attributes

  • Pushing Changes: Push your commits to the remote repository regularly to share your work and keep a backup.

unity git best practices

Additional Tips:

  • Commit Often: Make small, frequent commits to track changes and make it easier to revert if necessary.
  • Code Reviews: Use pull requests or code reviews for collaboration and to maintain code quality.

By following these steps and best practices, you can effectively know How To Use Git For Unity3D Source Control, enabling efficient collaboration and version management.

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