How To Use Unity API From Another Thread Or Call A Function In The Main Thread

How To Use Unity API From Another Thread Or Call A Function In The Main Thread – In Unity, the main thread (often called the “Unity main thread” or “UI thread”) is responsible for updating the game world, handling input, and interacting with Unity’s API. It’s crucial to manage interactions with Unity’s API properly to avoid issues like threading conflicts or performance degradation. Here’s how you can work with Unity’s API from another thread or call a function in the main thread:

Using Unity’s Main Thread Dispatcher

Unity provides a mechanism to safely execute code on the main thread using a custom dispatcher. Here’s how you can achieve this:

  1. Define a Main Thread Dispatcher:

how to define unity main thread dispatcher

  • Explanation: This script creates a singleton MainThreadDispatcher that ensures actions passed to RunOnMainThread are executed on the main thread. It uses a coroutine to defer the execution of the action until the next frame, ensuring it runs on the main thread.

2. Using the Main Thread Dispatcher:

how to use the unity main thread dispatcher

  • Explanation: In this example, BackgroundTask is executed on a separate thread (not the main thread). When it needs to interact with Unity’s API (like modifying transform.position), it uses MainThreadDispatcher.RunOnMainThread to ensure this interaction happens safely on the main thread.

Using UnityMainThreadDispatcher Package (Alternative)

Alternatively, you can use the UnityMainThreadDispatcher package available on the Unity Asset Store or GitHub, which provides a similar functionality with additional features and optimizations.

Important Considerations:

  • Thread Safety: Directly accessing Unity’s API from threads other than the main thread can cause issues like crashes or undefined behavior due to Unity’s single-threaded nature for API interactions.
  • Performance: Using RunOnMainThread or similar mechanisms adds a slight overhead because it schedules actions to run on the next frame. Be mindful of performance implications, especially for frequent or performance-critical operations.
  • Avoiding Deadlocks: Ensure that any operations you perform on the main thread do not inadvertently block or wait for actions that are running on background threads, which could lead to deadlock situations.

By using mechanisms like MainThreadDispatcher, you can safely call Unity’s API from background threads while adhering to Unity’s threading rules and maintaining the stability and performance of your application.

You can also check Unity Forums.


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