How To Fix "ResourceRules.plist: Cannot Read Resources" Error In Unity

How To Fix “ResourceRules.plist: Cannot Read Resources” Error In Unity

How To Fix “ResourceRules.plist: Cannot Read Resources” Error In Unity – The “ResourceRules.plist: cannot read resources” error typically occurs when building a Unity project for iOS, and it’s related to changes in how Apple handles resources and signing in newer versions of Xcode.

To manually fix this error in Unity, you can follow these steps:

1. Verify Xcode Version Compatibility:

Ensure you are using a compatible version of Xcode with your Unity version. Sometimes, updating Xcode or Unity can resolve compatibility issues that lead to this error.

2. Check Project Settings in Unity:

  • Open Unity and load your project.
  • Navigate to Edit > Project Settings > Player.
  • Under the Other Settings section, verify the following settings:
    • Scripting Backend: Ensure it is set to IL2CPP for iOS builds.
    • Architecture: Choose the appropriate architecture (typically Universal unless specified otherwise).
    • Target SDK: Select the latest SDK available unless your project requires a specific older version.
    • Minimum iOS Version: Set this to a compatible minimum iOS version required for your project.

3. Check Build Settings in Unity:

  • Navigate to File > Build Settings.
  • Ensure iOS is selected as the platform.
  • Click on Player Settings to open the Player Settings window.

4. Adjust Build System:

  • In Unity 2019 and later versions, ensure the Build System is set to Internal:
    • Go to Player Settings > Other Settings > Build System and set it to Internal.

5. Remove ResourceRules.plist (if present):

  • Sometimes, old or incorrect ResourceRules.plist files can cause issues.
  • Navigate to your Unity project’s Build folder (inside the project folder).
  • Search for any ResourceRules.plist file and delete it.

6. Regenerate Xcode Project:

  • Back in Unity’s Build Settings window, click on Build to create a new Xcode project.
  • Open the generated Xcode project and try building again.

7. Additional Checks:

  • Ensure your provisioning profiles and certificates are correctly set up and valid in Xcode.
  • Double-check any custom scripts or plugins that might be affecting the build process.

8. Update Unity and Xcode:

  • Ensure you are using the latest stable versions of both Unity and Xcode. Updating can often resolve compatibility issues and bugs.

9. Consult Unity Documentation and Forums:

  • If the issue persists, consult Unity’s official documentation or community forums for specific issues related to your Unity version and Xcode version.

10. Consider Reinstalling Xcode:

  • If all else fails, consider reinstalling Xcode to ensure a clean setup. Sometimes, corrupted Xcode installations can lead to unexpected errors during the build process.

By following these steps, you should be able to manually address the “ResourceRules.plist: cannot read resources” error in Unity when building for iOS. Always ensure to backup your project before making significant changes to avoid accidental data loss.

You can also check Unity Forums.


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