Applovin Unity Integration - Applovin Unity Tutorial

Applovin Unity Integration – Applovin Unity Tutorial

Applovin Unity Integration – Applovin Unity Tutorial :- In today’s competitive mobile gaming industry, monetization plays a crucial role in sustaining and growing your game development efforts. AppLovin offers a powerful platform for integrating ads into Unity games, providing developers with robust monetization options. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of integrating AppLovin into your Unity projects effectively.

Chapter 1: Getting Started with AppLovin

Before diving into integration, it’s essential to understand what AppLovin offers and how it can benefit your game. This chapter covers:

  • Overview of AppLovin’s ad solutions and features.
  • Creating an AppLovin developer account and obtaining necessary credentials.
  • Understanding different ad formats (banners, interstitials, rewarded videos) supported by AppLovin.

Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Unity Project

This chapter focuses on preparing your Unity project for AppLovin integration:

  • Downloading and importing the AppLovin SDK into Unity.
  • Configuring project settings and SDK initialization.
  • Setting up mediation partners if using mediation for ad networks.

Chapter 3: Implementing Ad Formats

Detailed walkthroughs on implementing various ad formats within your Unity game:

  • Integrating banner ads into UI elements.
  • Displaying interstitial ads at strategic moments in gameplay.
  • Implementing rewarded video ads for in-game rewards.

Chapter 4: Testing and Debugging

Ensuring ads work correctly before deployment is crucial. This chapter covers:

  • Testing ads within the Unity Editor using test mode.
  • Running tests on different devices (iOS, Android) to ensure compatibility.
  • Debugging common integration issues and troubleshooting tips.

Chapter 5: Optimizing Ad Performance

Strategies to maximize ad revenue and improve user experience:

  • Optimizing ad placements for higher engagement and CTR.
  • Implementing ad refresh rates and frequency capping.
  • Utilizing AppLovin’s advanced targeting and segmentation features.

Chapter 6: Handling Events and Callbacks

Managing ad lifecycle events and integrating callbacks for better control:

  • Handling events such as ad loading, displaying, closing, and errors.
  • Implementing listeners for rewarded ad callbacks to manage in-game rewards.

Chapter 7: Advanced Features and Analytics

Exploring advanced features and leveraging analytics for insights:

  • A/B testing ad placements and formats for optimal performance.
  • Integrating AppLovin’s analytics to track ad performance and user behavior.

Chapter 8: Deploying Your Game

Preparing your Unity project for deployment with integrated AppLovin ads:

  • Final testing on production builds.
  • Guidelines for submitting to app stores (App Store, Google Play).
  • Monitoring ad performance post-launch and making optimizations as needed.

Unity Applovin Integration Script

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class ApplovinAds : MonoBehaviour
    public static ApplovinAds Instance;

    public string bannerAdUnitID = "";
    public string InterstitialID = "";
    public string RewardVideoID = "";

    public string SDK_Key = "";

    void Awake()

        Instance = this;


    void Start()

        MaxSdkCallbacks.OnSdkInitializedEvent += (MaxSdkBase.SdkConfiguration sdkConfiguration) => {




    #region Banner

    void InitializeBannerAds(MaxSdkBase.BannerPosition position)
        // Banners are automatically sized to 320×50 on phones and 728×90 on tablets
        // You may call the utility method MaxSdkUtils.isTablet() to help with view sizing adjustments
        MaxSdk.CreateBanner(bannerAdUnitID, position);
        MaxSdk.SetBannerExtraParameter(bannerAdUnitID, "adaptive_banner", "false");
        // Set background or background color for banners to be fully functional
        MaxSdk.SetBannerBackgroundColor(bannerAdUnitID, Color.clear);

    public void ShowBanner()

    public void HideBanner()

    public void DestroyBanner()

    #region Interstitial

    void InitializeInterstitialAds()
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdLoadFailedEvent += OnInterstitialLoadFailedEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdDisplayedEvent += OnInterstitialDisplayedEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Interstitial.OnAdHiddenEvent += OnInterstitialHiddenEvent;


    private void LoadInterstitial()

    private void OnInterstitialLoadFailedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo)
        Debug.Log("Ads failed to load");

    private void OnInterstitialHiddenEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)

    private void OnInterstitialDisplayedEvent(string arg1, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo arg2)

        Debug.Log("Ads Showing successfull");


    public void ShowInterstitial()
        if (MaxSdk.IsInterstitialReady(InterstitialID))


    #region Rewarding Video
    void InitializeRewardedAds()
        // Attach callback
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdLoadedEvent += OnRewardedAdLoadedEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdLoadFailedEvent += OnRewardedAdLoadFailedEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdDisplayedEvent += OnRewardedAdDisplayedEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdClickedEvent += OnRewardedAdClickedEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdRevenuePaidEvent += OnRewardedAdRevenuePaidEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdHiddenEvent += OnRewardedAdHiddenEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdDisplayFailedEvent += OnRewardedAdFailedToDisplayEvent;
        MaxSdkCallbacks.Rewarded.OnAdReceivedRewardEvent += OnRewardedAdReceivedRewardEvent;

        // Load the first rewarded ad

    private void LoadRewardedAd()

    private void OnRewardedAdLoadedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)


    private void OnRewardedAdLoadFailedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo)


    private void OnRewardedAdDisplayedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) { }

    private void OnRewardedAdFailedToDisplayEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.ErrorInfo errorInfo, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)

    private void OnRewardedAdClickedEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo) { }

    private void OnRewardedAdHiddenEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)

    private void OnRewardedAdReceivedRewardEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdk.Reward reward, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)



    public void OnRewardedAdRevenuePaidEvent(string adUnitId, MaxSdkBase.AdInfo adInfo)

    public void ShowVideo()
        if (MaxSdk.IsRewardedAdReady(RewardVideoID))




Wrapping up the guide with a summary of key takeaways and benefits of integrating AppLovin into Unity games. Emphasize the potential for increased revenue and enhanced user experience through effective ad integration.

Final Thoughts

By following this Applovin Unity Tutorial, you’ll have the knowledge and tools to successfully integrate AppLovin’s ad solutions into your Unity games. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced developer, mastering AppLovin integration can significantly boost your game’s monetization strategy while maintaining a positive user experience. Start monetizing your Unity games effectively with AppLovin today!

Call to Action

Ready to integrate AppLovin into your Unity project? Sign up for an AppLovin developer account and begin monetizing your games like never before.




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