Ignoring Folder Meta Files On Version Control In Unity

Ignoring Folder Meta Files On Version Control In Unity

Ignoring Folder Meta Files On Version Control In Unity – Ignoring folder meta files in version control systems (VCS) like Git when working with Unity projects is a good practice. Here’s how you can handle ignoring .meta files effectively:

Understanding .meta Files in Unity:

  • Purpose: Unity uses .meta files to store metadata associated with assets and folders in your project. This metadata includes information like import settings, GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers), and references needed for Unity to properly import and manage assets.
  • Version Control Considerations:
    • Git: In Git, ignoring .meta files prevents unnecessary conflicts and reduces repository size. Since Unity can regenerate these files when importing assets, it’s safe to ignore them.
    • Other VCS: Similar principles apply to other version control systems like Mercurial (Hg) or SVN, though the specifics of how to ignore files might differ.

Steps to Ignore .meta Files in Unity with Git:

1. Modify .gitignore:

    • Edit the .gitignore file located at the root of your Git repository (if it doesn’t exist, create it).
    • Add a line to ignore all .meta files within the Assets directory and its subdirectories:

unity ignore meta files

2. Apply Changes:

    • Save the .gitignore file.

3. Remove Tracked .meta Files (if any):

  • If you have already committed .meta files to your repository, you need to remove them from tracking:

how to ignore meta files in unity

This command removes .meta files from the repository (but not from your local disk) and stops tracking them.

4. Commit Changes:

  • Commit the changes to .gitignore and any modifications related to removing .meta files from tracking:

unity git ignore meta files

5. Verify Ignoring:

  • Verify that .meta files are no longer tracked by Git:

unity ignore folder meta files

It should not show .meta files as modified or untracked.


  • Regeneration: Unity will regenerate .meta files as needed when you import or modify assets. This ensures that Unity can maintain asset links and settings properly.
  • Collaboration: Ensure that all team members have the same .gitignore rules applied to avoid conflicts related to .meta files.
  • Exceptions: Sometimes, there are specific cases where you might need to include certain .meta files (e.g., when sharing custom editor scripts or packages). In such cases, handle them judiciously to avoid breaking Unity’s asset references.

By ignoring .meta files in your Unity project, you streamline version control operations and reduce unnecessary clutter in your repository, improving collaboration and maintenance of the project over time.

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