Retro Mech Simulator – Unity Asset Store

Retro Mech Simulator – Unity Asset Store

This Retro Mech Simulator – Unity Asset Store gives you nearly everything you need to start building your own single-player first-person mech simulator game.


WebGL Demo

Features Of Retro Mech Simulator – Unity Asset Store

+ Numerous scripts for standard mech components, such as hull, reactor, engine, weapons, radar, targeting system, and optionally shields.

+ 2 fully-functional example mechs complete with first-person cockpits with interactive displays. Pilot your mech, target enemies, fire weapons, toggle radar scale, balance shields forward and backward, arrange weapons into firing groups, toggle first-person and third-person camera, and more.

+ Procedural IK-driven leg animations for realistic foot placement over uneven terrain.

+ 3 skin choices for the example mechs.

+ Support for HUD color themes, with three example themes.

+ 12 fully-functional example weapons with models and textures (4 autocannons, 4 lasers, 3 missile launchers, 1 railgun).

+ AI framework with fully functional built-in support for navigation, combat, and other basics.

+ 4 example buildings (each with alternate “destroyed” version).

+ 3 example missions.

+ Example loadout screen for arming a mech.

+ 218 sound effects, some of which are actually good!

+ 7 desert terrain textures, 4 tundra textures, 1 snow texture.

+ Animated sprites for explosions, sparks, shield impacts, and more.

+ Damage system which breaks weapon damage down into separate shield, armor, and internal damage categories.

+ Extensive documentation, including a PDF manual with over 35 pages.

+ Various editor tools and extensions to make developing easier.

+ Professionally coded, highly extensible and modular codebase that can be tailored to meet the needs of your game.

+ Hundreds of included scripts will save your team hundreds of hours of development time.

Your game does not have to be built in a retro style; that’s just the visual style I chose for the example artwork.

This kit does everything possible to simplify the task of building your game, but it is a large and complex kit best suited to small teams with intermediate to advanced skills in Unity.

This kit is designed specifically for making single-player games. To be clear, Retro Mech Simulator – Unity Asset Store will never have built-in multiplayer support.

The kit uses the built-in render pipeline, forward rendering, with linear color space. It utilizes the Unity Post-Processing Stack V2 for some visual effects and a couple of custom sprite shaders, but otherwise has no special graphical needs. It should be easy to adapt the kit for URP or HDRP; however, I do not officially support those render pipelines at this time.

The kit was designed with PC in mind but should work just as well on other platforms.

Also included is my “Generic UI Lists” package (an $8.50 value).

Checkout our codes.


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