Unity Ignoring Non-Static Public Field Initialized Value

Unity Ignoring Non-Static Public Field Initialized Value

Unity Ignoring Non-Static Public Field Initialized Value – When working with non-static public fields in Unity, you might encounter situations where the initialized value seems to be ignored. Here are detailed explanations of the common reasons for this behavior:

1. Inspector Value Override

Explanation: In Unity, any public field is serialized, meaning its value can be set in the Inspector. If you assign a value in the script but also modify it in the Inspector, the Inspector’s value takes precedence when the game runs.


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Solution: To ensure that the initialized value is used, either set the value only in code or reset the field in the Inspector.

2. Prefab and Instance Values

Explanation: If you’re working with prefabs, the values set in the prefab instance in the Inspector will override the initialized values when instantiated in the scene.


  • If myValue is set to 5 in a prefab and you instantiate it, it will use 5 instead of the initialized value in the script.

Solution: Check the prefab settings and ensure the values are consistent or set them programmatically after instantiation.

3. Execution Order

Explanation: Unity executes methods like Awake() and Start() in a specific order. If you modify the field’s value in one of these methods, it could override any initialized values set earlier.


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Solution: Check your code to see where the field is being modified and ensure the logic is in the right order.

4. Non-Serialized Fields

Explanation: If you use [NonSerialized] on a field, Unity will not serialize it, which means it won’t retain values between sessions.


a field initializer cannot reference the non-static field

Solution: Remove [NonSerialized] if you want Unity to serialize the field.

5. Field Scope and Accessibility

Explanation: If a field is declared as private, it won’t show up in the Inspector, and you might mistakenly think it’s being initialized when it isn’t visible.


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Solution: Use public or [SerializeField] for private fields if you want to access or modify them through the Inspector.

6. Default Values and Resetting

Explanation: If you reset the component or the GameObject in the Inspector, it will revert the field to its default state, which could be zero or another default value.

Solution: Be cautious when using the Reset option in the Inspector and verify that values are not being unintentionally reset.

7. Static vs. Non-Static Context

Explanation: If you’re working in a static context, static fields will not retain instance-specific values. Ensure you are using non-static fields when needed.


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Solution: Ensure you are accessing the appropriate context (static vs. instance).

Debugging Tips

  • Debug Logs: Use Debug.Log() to print the values at different points in your script to see where changes might be happening.
  • Inspector Check: Always double-check the Inspector for values set there.
  • Code Review: Review your code for any assignments that might be unintentionally overriding the field values.

By understanding these factors, you can better manage how non-static public fields behave in Unity and troubleshoot any issues related to initialized values being ignored.

You can also check Unity Forums.

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