Vuforia Engine - Unity Asset Store

Vuforia Engine – Unity Asset Store

The Vuforia Engine – Unity Asset Store provide complete Unity scenes that show how to create AR experiences for everyday objects and environments using Vuforia targets and trackers.

See the Unity Getting Started guide to learn more about working with Vuforia in Unity.

Get started with augmented reality using Vuforia Engine, the world’s most widely used AR platform. Vuforia Engine makes it easy to develop cross-platform apps for the latest handheld and headworn devices and powers over 80,000 apps including titles from EA, Square Enix, LEGO, Activision and more.

This asset store pack contains the Vuforia Engine SDK and can be used to add Vuforia Engine to existing projects or start a new Vuforia Engine project from scratch.

Register as a Vuforia Developer when you are ready to add your own targets. Check out the Support Center for resources and support!

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