What Is The Difference Between Update & FixedUpdate In Unity

What Is The Difference Between Update & FixedUpdate In Unity – In Unity, Update and FixedUpdate are both methods that belong to MonoBehaviour scripts and are used to execute code during different phases of the game loop. Here are the key differences between Update and FixedUpdate:


  • Execution Frequency: Update() is called every frame.
  • Use Case: Use Update() for most regular update tasks that are frame-rate dependent, such as:
    • Moving non-physics objects.
    • Processing input (e.g., keyboard, mouse, touch).
    • Animating objects.
    • Updating non-physics-based game logic.
  • Time Delta (Delta Time): You can access the time elapsed since the last frame using Time.deltaTime. This allows you to make calculations that are frame-rate independent (e.g., smooth movement).
  • Example:

What Is The Difference Between Update & FixedUpdate In Unity


  • Execution Frequency: FixedUpdate() is called at fixed time intervals based on the physics settings (e.g., fixed timestep).
  • Use Case: Use FixedUpdate() for physics-related operations and interactions, such as:
    • Applying forces and impulses using Rigidbody physics.
    • Adjusting Rigidbody velocities.
    • Performing physics calculations that should be frame-rate independent.
  • Fixed Time Interval: Unlike Update(), where the time between calls can vary (depending on frame rate), FixedUpdate() is called at regular intervals defined by Time.fixedDeltaTime. This ensures that physics calculations are consistent across different frame rates.
  • Example:

Difference Between Update & FixedUpdate

When to Use Which?

  • Update(): Use Update() for most game logic and input handling that doesn’t involve physics. This method is suitable for frame-rate dependent operations.

  • FixedUpdate(): Use FixedUpdate() for physics operations and calculations involving Rigidbody components or other physics interactions. This method ensures that physics calculations are consistent and stable across different frame rates.


  • Frame Rate Dependency: Update() is frame-rate dependent due to Time.deltaTime, whereas FixedUpdate() is frame-rate independent due to Time.fixedDeltaTime.

  • Performance Considerations: Be mindful of performance implications, especially in Update() where frequent operations can impact performance if not optimized.

  • Execution Order: Unity guarantees the order of execution for Update() and FixedUpdate(), which is important when chaining dependencies between scripts.

Understanding these differences and choosing the appropriate method (Update() or FixedUpdate()) based on your specific needs will help ensure efficient and predictable behavior in your Unity projects, especially when dealing with physics interactions.

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